The WRSG Anniversary bags are in, and I couldn't be more pleased! The stitching is well done, and the supplier was able to get the logo on the pocket after all! We will be distributing the bags to all those member who paid at Wednesday's (10/24) meeting. There are some extras, so if you like what you see, you will be able to purchase one if you haven't already done so.
October's meeting is the actual 20th anniversary of the guild, so please plan on attending. At the business meeting, we will be electing VP(s)/Programs Committee and Treasurer. The agenda will also include discussion/vote on increasing the guild dues. Afterwards, there will be cake and punch to celebrate, and Kim will be distributing her Halloween kits to those members who paid for them. Linda Zimmerman will be bringing her collection of WRSG smalls; Sue Schmidt can e-mail you directions for those items you might not have.
All in all, it promises to be a fun meeting, so I hope to see you there!